Monday, December 26, 2011

TSA WEEK: 2/27/12 - 3/2/12

Brahma Tech Academy proudly presents first annual TSA week! 

What is TSA you ask? Well, Technology Student Association is the activity branch of the Brahma Tech Academy. All students of BT are encouraged to participate in TSA competitions. But on the bigger scale, TSA is a national organization with over 150,000 members all across the nation. After participating in the in-house competitions, you may move on to attend the national conference at Nashville, Tennessee, from 6/21 - 6/25/12. 

So what's going on during TSA week & what kind of competition events are available? 

ON DEMAND VIDEO (2/27/12 after school 3:15 - 4:00 pm)
Overview: Participants write, shoot, and edit a 60 second video in 48 hours. Required criteria, such as props and/or a line of dialogue will make the competition more challenging & interesting. 
Eligibility: Participants are limited to 1 team of 2 or 3 students.
Time Limits: Videos must be no longer than 60 seconds. All entries must be completed in the 48 hour time limit. 
All videos must be on flash drives with participants' names attached.
Mandatory meeting on 2/24/12 during lunch in room 206. Required criteria will be announced. 
*Please do not start prior to the 2/24/12 meeting.

PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY (2/28/12 after school 3:15 - 4:00 pm) 
Overview: Participants capture images and process photographic and digital prints that depict the theme perspectives. Participants may utilize multimedia software to prepare a storyboard/collage. You must be ready to present your entry.
Eligibility: Limited 1 entry per participant. Groups are not allowed. 

DEBATING TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES (2/29/12 after school 3:15 - 4:00 pm)
Overview: Team members will work together to prepare for a debate against an opposing team. The teams will be instructed to take either the pro or con side of the selected subtopic. 
Theme: biotechnology
1. Is it appropriate to use emerging synthetic genomic engineering technology to build new forms of "life"? 
2. Should genetic engineering techniques and processes be used in agriculture? 
3. Should companies that develop genetically altered plants and seeds be allowed to have a monopoly on the products they develop? 
Teams may be formed or assigned depending on the number of participants. 

TECHNOLOGY BOWL (3/1/12 after school 3:15 - 4:00 pm) 
Overview: Teams compete in oral question/response, head-to-head competition against each other with buzzers.
4 students per team. Teams may be formed or assigned depending on the number of participants. 

Overlook of the TSA week & announce the winners. Winning entries will be presented. Everyone is invited so bring your friends! 

$3 entry fee will be charged per student.